Income Protection Insurance

When life deals you a difficult hand, the emotional and financial consequences can be overwhelming. If you’re unable to work due to illness or injury, your income can be severely affected. This can put a strain on your finances and make it difficult to meet your everyday expenses.

Vital financial support

In order to provide you with a financial safety net, investing in income protection insurance can provide vital financial support for you and your family. If you’re unable to work due to unforeseen health complications, income protection cover can pay you a regular income to help you to maintain your standard of living and avoid falling into debt.

Invest in income protection

If you’re looking to secure income and protection insurance, speak with a financial advisor from Rosewood to review your options. As experts in financial advice, we understand that everyone’s circumstances are different. After assessing your personal and financial situation in full, including your current and projected income and expenditure, we can recommend the most appropriate level of cover to meet your unique needs.

Ready to secure your future?
Contact Rosewood today.


Frequently asked questions

Who needs income protection insurance?

Everyone who relies on their income to live should consider getting income protection insurance. This is especially important if you have a family or dependents who rely on you financially.

If you’re self-employed, income protection insurance is even more essential. As a self-employed person, you don’t have the same benefits as employees, such as sick pay and statutory sick pay. This means that if you’re unable to work, you could lose your entire income.

How much does income protection insurance cost?

The cost of income protection insurance will vary depending on your age, occupation, health, and the level of cover you choose. However, as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay around 2% to 4% of your annual income for comprehensive cover. To gain an understanding of your specific income protection insurance options, arrange a meeting with Rosewood today.

How can I get income protection insurance?

Although you can purchase income protection insurance directly from an insurance company, it is advisable to secure income protection insurance with the help of one of Rosewood’s independent financial advisors. By working with you to understand your specific circumstances, Rosewood can identify how to protect your needs.

Do you want to protect your financial future?

Rosewood’s advisors will provide you with personalised guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. Whatever your stage of life, with help from Rosewood you can know that you have protected you and your family from any future financial difficulty

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